Ontario - The second largest province

            Capital: Toronto
            Motto: "Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet" (Loyal she began, loyal she remains)


            Web sites - http://www.ontario.ca/en/visitors/index.htm

          Weather and Geography and More Geography

          Confederation for Kids - http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/confederation/kids/023002-2010-e.html

          Flag Information - http://www.ontario.ca/en/your_government/EC001037.html

   The Premier's Kid Zone - http://www.onzone.ca/english/

Facts About Ontario - http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/provinces/p/ontariofacts.htm

           Pictures - https://kathimitchell.com/Canada/ontario1.htm

Did You Know?

* Ontario's lakes and rivers hold about 1/3 of the world's fresh water.
* Ontario is larger in area than France and Spain combined.
* Monarch butterflies return to Ontario every
spring after wintering in Mexico


            For Teachers:
            Lessons - http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjgeog/a/puson.htm

This page was developed by Kathi Mitchell
and was last updated on June 12, 2011
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